
The most common way to install gcloudc is to use it as part of Djangae.

You can also install it on its own with pip install django-gcloud-connectors.

However you install it, you will need to set your DATABASES configuration in your Django settings module to look something like this:

    "default": {
        'ENGINE': 'gcloudc.db.backends.datastore',
        'PROJECT': 'YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_NAME',  # You can use djangae.environment.project_id() here

The possible engines you can choose are:

  • gcloudc.db.backends.firestore
  • gcloudc.db.backends.datastore

INDEXES_FILE is an absolute path to a yaml file that will be automatically generated. See [] for more information.

Enabling aggregation query emulation

Datastore emulator does not support aggregation quires, so when using gcloudc.db.backends.datastore engine, it requires count_mode option to be set to "emulated" to work correctly.

from djangae.environment import is_development_environment

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": 'gcloudc.db.backends.datastore',
        # ... other settings
        "OPTIONS": {
            "count_mode": "emulated" if is_development_environment() else "native"

You can also use "emulated" mode with non-emulated datastore, since native implementation has some limitations.

Note: gcloudc.db.backends.firestore doesn't require "count_mode" options, since emulator supports aggregation queries.

Automatic Cloud Datastore Emulator startup

gcloudc provides overrides for the runserver and test commands which start and stop a Cloud Datastore Emulator instance. To enable this functionality add gcloudc.commands at the beginning of your INSTALLED_APPS setting.